Monday, 2nd December
AFSS/NZFSS Joint Conference 2019
Sunday, 1st December
Monday, 2nd December
Tuesday, 3rd December
Wednesday, 4th December
Welcome to Country
8:30AM - 9:00AM
Monday, 2nd December
Deakin University - Institute of Koori Education Building
Return to Waurn Ponds Estate
9:00AM - 9:15AM
Monday, 2nd December
9:15AM - 9:30AM
Monday, 2nd December
Torquay Room
Plenary Session 1
9:30AM - 11:00AM
Monday, 2nd December
Torquay Room
Chair: Michael Reid
Persist-in-place or shift-in-space: How will freshwater fishes fare in a changing climate?
Julian Olden
Mātauranga Māori shaping freshwater futures
Joanne Clapcott
Morning Tea Networking Break
11:00AM - 11:30AM
Monday, 2nd December
Main Foyer
Session 1A - Population and Community Ecology 1
11:30AM - 1:15PM
Monday, 2nd December
Torquay Room
Chair: Barbara Downes
How does whitebait fishing affect common galaxias (
Galaxias maculatus
) populations?
Andrew S Watson
Uncovering hidden diversity: Microsporidians from New Zealand freshwater amphipods
Eunji Park
Hidden interactions between hairworms and their intermediate freshwater hosts
Jean-François Doherty
Characterizing a disease outbreak in a caddisfly community
Galen Holt
Body-size and taxonomic responses of headwater invertebrate communities to an experimental drought at the Llyn Brianne Cascading Mesocosms, UK
Ifan B Jâms
How do female caddisflies decide where to put their eggs? An experimental test
Barbara J Downes
Hedging their bets: The relative importance of spatial subsidies and riparian vegetation to insectivorous bat foraging activity along perennial streams in temperate Australia
Bradley Clarke-Wood
Session 1B - Invasive Species Ecology and Management
11:30AM - 1:15PM
Monday, 2nd December
Anglesea Room
Chair: Alisha Steward
Ecological impacts of invasive carp (
Cyprinus carpio
) in Australian dryland rivers
Jonathan C Marshall
Epigeic invertebrates of pig-damaged wetlands are rooted: impacts from feral pigs (
Sus scrofa
Alisha L Steward
Does the translocation of red-claw crayfish (
Cherax quadricarinatus
) impact the indigenous blue-claw crayfish (
Cherax destructor
) in the Lake Eyre Basin, Australia?
Georgia King
Management of the submersed aquatic weed
Egeria densa
in Australia
Tony M Dugdale
How many carp are there in Australia?
Jarod Lyon
Session 1C - Urban Ecology 1
11:30AM - 1:15PM
Monday, 2nd December
Paraparap Room
Chair: Chris Walsh
Sponsored by:
Restoration of water quality from urban stormwater impacts; limitations of space and demand
Chris J Walsh
The hydrological impact of stormwater source-control measures at the catchment scale
Matthew J Burns
Can modifying water level regimes of urban ponds increase their nutrient processing capacity?
Fiona Dyer
Changes to in-stream macro invertebrate assemblages resulting from small-scale habitat complexity are diminished by catchment-scale impacts
Julia Y White
Methods for estimating nutrient and contaminant loads of common aquatic sedges in urban constructed wetlands
Courtney Glover
Stream daylighting: looks good, feels good, but is it doing any good?
Martin Neale
Mapping wetland dynamics using remote sensing approaches to assist long-term planning in a rapidly urbanising landscape
Nick Bond
Session 1D - On-farm Ecology
11:30AM - 1:15PM
Monday, 2nd December
Bellbrae Room
Chair: Wendy Quayle
Carbon and nutrient release from experimental inundation of agricultural and forested floodplain soil and vegetation: influence of floodplain land use on the development of hypoxic blackwater during floods
Xiaoying Liu
How can we quantify what kind of on-land mitigation actions have been done to improve water quality?
Katharina AM Doehring
A national assessment of the potential for farm management to decrease nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment losses to water: what could be achieved by 2035?
Richard McDowell
Macroinvertebrate communities in ponds
Abigail AK Kuranchie
Farm dams as refuges for freshwater biodiversity in a drying climate
Belinda J Robson
Quantifying field-scale performance of constructed wetlands to accelerate uptake for on-farm nutrient management
Chris C Tanner
Hydrological wetland rehabilitation across western Victoria - practical solutions and positive outcomes for wetland conservation in an agricultural landscape
Lachlan Farrington
Networking Lunch
1:15PM - 2:00PM
Monday, 2nd December
Main Foyer
Session 2A - Bioassessment and Monitoring
2:00PM - 4:00PM
Monday, 2nd December
Torquay Room
Chair: Catherine Leigh
Are we ready for DNA based bio-monitoring?
Michael E Shackleton
Is each of these things just like the other? Testing and refining the repeatability of wetland monitoring indicator scores to improve power to detect change
Caitlin Johns
Evaluation and redirection of a long-term, broad-scale river health monitoring program in Tasmania, Australia
Adam Uytendaal
How macroinvertebrate DNA metabarcodes can improve the cost-effectiveness and, taxonomic precision and accuracy of freshwater biomonitoring and assessment programs
Melissa Carew
coalmine affect
wetland? Guidelines and multidisciplinary science for improving environmental assessments of water-related impacts
Andrew J Boulton
Developing guideline thresholds for emerging organic contaminants
Izzie Alderton
Anomaly detection in high frequency water-quality data from in-situ sensors
Catherine Leigh
Bringing advanced laboratory techniques into the field
Rosanne Guijt
Session 2B - Community Engagement and Partnerships
2:00PM - 4:00PM
Monday, 2nd December
Anglesea Room
Chair: Jane Chambers
The Department of Conservation's approach to catchment restoration: Working with others to solve complex restoration problems
Lian Butcher
NatureLink Perth: the key to saving urban wetland biodiversity is connecting people
Jane Chambers
Photo point monitoring: a special role in environmental flow management
Meegan Judd
Environmental flow trials in a regulated river in southern Australia: integrating biophysical and social research
Robyn J Watts
An unconventional pathway to restore a wetland: a story about science, grey literature, science communication and the power of community
Mark Bachmann
Edith Cowan University ‘Old Ways New Ways’ Outreach Programme
Jason Barrow
Kaipatiki Stream Care – 2 years of Community Science in Action
Brett Stansfield
Optimising on-ground catchment management in Southeast Queensland
Morag Stewart
Session 2C - Experimental Ecology
2:00PM - 4:00PM
Monday, 2nd December
Paraparap Room
Chair: William Bovill
Effects of thermal adaptation and acclimation on fish metabolism
Javiera Benavente
Experimental evidence suggests that interactions between the native
and exotic
are not mediated by elevated CO
and nutrient enrichment
Guyo Gufu
Effects of suspended sediment concentration on filtration rates and biodeposition of the Australian Hyriid river mussel
Alathyria jacksoni
Sam Brouwer
Estimating the functional roles of freshwater mussels at the riverscape scale
Nicole McCasker
Biological interactions mediate context and species-specific sensitivities to salinity
Jon Bray
A landscape-scale field experiment in six rivers shows how in-channel retention boosts detrital resources and invertebrate species diversity
William Bovill
Improved stable isotope approaches for understanding food webs
Michele Burford
Session 2D - Wetlands
2:00PM - 4:00PM
Monday, 2nd December
Bellbrae Room
Chair: Jason Nicol
The impact of a climate dryness on the alpha, beta and gamma biodiversity of freshwater macroinvertebrates in wetlands on a salinized landscape
Sean Atkinson
Sink or swim? Coastal freshwater wetland vegetation response to rising sea level
Rebekah Grieger
Vegetated microhabitats are critical for avian access to arid zone waterholes
Simon E Votto
Is the poor vegetation response in hydrologically restored Lower River Murray wetlands due to a depauperate seed bank?
Jason M Nicol
Effects of climate and landscape change on endemic freshwater macrocrustacean persistence in south-western Australia.
Holly E. Emery-Butcher
Differences in floodplain soil seed bank dynamics across hydrological gradients
William Higgisson
Variable flooding regimes drive floodplain wetland resilience: informing environmental flows
Rachael F Thomas
Afternoon Tea Networking Break
4:00PM - 4:45PM
Monday, 2nd December
Main Foyer
Community Event and Cultural Panel: Healthy Rivers, Healthy People
4:45PM - 6:15PM
Monday, 2nd December
Deakin University - Peter Thwaites Lecture Theatre
Chair: Phil Duncan
Sponsored by:
Return to Waurn Ponds Estate
6:15PM - 6:30PM
Monday, 2nd December
Spanish Experience Dinner
6:30PM - 9:00PM
Monday, 2nd December
Main Foyer
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