Oral Presentation AFSS/NZFSS Joint Conference 2019

Bottom end of the river: Indigenous management, a Kowanyama perspective (#113a)

John Clark 1
  1. Kowanyama Aboriginal Land and Natural Resource Management Office, Kowanyama, QLD, Australia

The Traditional Owners of Kowanyama Country, across the Mitchell River Delta in Far North Queensland, have lived in these lands for millennia and today the Kowanyama Aboriginal Lands and Natural Resources Management Office (KALNRMO), oversees the ongoing management of Country. Over the past thirty years there have been a great many successes of land and water management in the face of increasing pressures from upstream and outside the Mitchell River Catchment.  Kowanyama established the first Indigenous community controlled land and natural resources management in Australia. Additional successes include establishing Indigenous Ranger positions, designating the South Mitchell River estuary for traditional Aboriginal fishing only and the establishment of the Mitchell River Watershed Management Group. Despite these successes, many challenges continue with increasing external pressures to develop upstream reaches of the Mitchell a grave concern for the people of Kowanyama. The Indigenous Rangers of the KALNRMO will continue to manage the Mitchell River Delta for the community of Kowanyama while also working to protect its integrity from impacts upstream.